ElectroBOOM Interview with Through the Noise

Hi guys. I’ve had an interview with “Through the Noise” where I answer questions and provided some insight to my work, in my pretty broken English! I just realized I am pretty bad in talking live without preparation! And whenever my brain’s English module stops responding, it spits out “You know”, “for example” and “aaaaaaa”! Well, you need to cut those out and listen in patience! But here it is anyways in the embedded player below, or you can directly listen to it on “Through the Noise” website. Good luck listening to me for half an hour!

8 thoughts on “ElectroBOOM Interview with Through the Noise

  1. Hi, why don’t you say the information in your mother language, as well? My father askes me to translate your videos. It would be nice if you do it for your Iranian followers!

  2. You reiterate how fans laugh at your pain… but we laugh cause we’ve had similar experiences happen. the road to wisdom is paved with folly. keep up the great work … please. And a Southwest “Salud para ti Familia”.

  3. You are simply wonderful, Keep up the good work. keep on making videos.thanks you very much for such a nice work Sir!

  4. You are awesome guy Mehdi.Keep up the good work.And never stop making videos.You must Transform it in some kind of stand up comedy.
    Peace from Bulgaria.

    • Stand up comedy would be awesome. Or keep doing the videos. Those are pretty good too. 😀

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